Conferências com prestigiados designers nacionais e internacionais, que vêm à ESAD partilhar as suas experiências profissionais e apresentar os bastidores dos seus projetos e processos, bem como falar sobre os desafios por trás das soluções de design inovadoras para a indústria de hoje.
O ciclo de conferências e workshops insere-se no programa do Mestrado e da Licenciatura em Design de Produto e das Pós-Graduações em Automotive and Transportation Design e em Furniture Design.
Martijn van de Wiel
Industrial Designer (NL)
Co-founder of Sketchdrive – online platform for active learning; founder of Sketchform – design, sketching and training; founder of Design Sketching – label for sharing design sketching skills; lecturer and mentor in design sketching and industrial design education.
ID Talk — 22 FEV, 10:45
Workshop — 22 FEV, 14:00
Auditório + MA Room
Rui Pereira
Industrial Designer (DK)
Senior developer & industrial designer at Hay and founder of Rui's research focus on finding new perspectives and experiences by proposing new product typologies that create an immediate connection with the user.
ID Talk — 22 MAR, 10:45
Workshop — 22 MAR, 14:00
Auditório + MA Room
Filipa Gomes
Industrial Designer (UK)
Lead industrial designer at Zaha Hadid Architects. Filipa has been working almost exclusively on exhibitions, installations and products, like Citco Collection, Zaha Hadis at the State Hermitage and The Mew Table For Sawaya and Moroni.
ID Talk — 17 ABR, 10:45
Workshop — 17 ABR, 14:00
Auditório + MA Room
Alberto Perazza
Entrepreneur (IT)
CEO & co-owner of Magis. Perazza worked with some of the best designers in the industry, such as Marcel Wanders, Jasper Morrison, Philipe Starck, Naoto Fukasawa or Konstantin Grcic and knew how to take risks by launching innovative products that became great sales success.
ID Talk — 17 MAI, 10.45
Workshop — 17 MAI, 14:00–18:00
Auditório + MA Room
Edições Anteriores
Coordenação jeremy aston, lucio magri
apoio dirk loyens, josé luis ferreira, rui pedro freire, marco gomes
evento conferências + workshops
data ano letivo 2017/2018
locais sala de mestrado + auditório