Postgraduate Financed training (50%)

Product Design and Maritime and River Spaces - Self-construction

The exploration of solutions compatible with self-building will be central to the process, with the act of building also being understood as a design tool - designing by doing and building by designing.

Based on design methodologies and tools, a general understanding of the ‘Leça Green Corridor’ is proposed, and in particular its specific features, in order to build a coherent and legible narrative that values, adds to and promotes the relationship between the watercourse and its banks and recovers and enhances the associated small constructions, such as paths, mills, weirs, levadas and bridges. In this course, which is part of the Blue Design Alliance, the necessary synthesis of the thinking model for project development aims to stimulate the use and reuse of simple and available materials combined with assembly techniques and construction logic, resulting in a project economy that allows transformation strategies to be implemented in objects built by the students.



  • Analyze the location where the intervention will take place, interpreting existing heritage - both built and natural.
  • Explore design research methods based on professional studio practice using different project development tools.
  • As a group, try to come up with a general idea for the intervention and define the project's principles.
  • Critically integrate the various disciplines and seminars underlying the project.
  • Create and develop construction solutions that embody and amplify the project's intentions, compatible with self-building processes.
  • Communicate using the project's presentation tools - illustrated drawing, 3D, collages, presentation models, photomontages - as well as preparing an oral presentation and discussion of the proposal.

Design de Produto e Espaços Marítimos e Fluviais — Autoconstrução

Study Plan

Year — 1
Atelier 92 HC 15 ECTS
Think Tank 46 HC 9 ECTS
Construction Laboratory 46 HC 9 ECTS
Workshop 32 HC 12 ECTS


Special Guests

Design de Produto e Espaços Marítimos e Fluviais — Autoconstrução

Tuition Fee 2024–2024

Applicants for this funded programme (PRR) must be resident in Portugal, i.e. all those who are permanently resident in Portugal or who have a residence permit valid for the period corresponding to the normal duration of the course and a national tax identification number.


Blue Design Alliance

This initiative offers scholarships for Professional Higher Technical Courses (CTesP), taught at ESAD, and Postgraduate Courses. All the courses are practically orientated and allow you to pursue a professional career, where the theme of water will always be present, as well as caring for the ecosystems of rivers, seas and oceans.

CTeSP - Postgraduate Courses - Continuing Education

Administrative Services

Information and Contacts

If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.

monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00

Financed Postgraduate Programs

Invest in Your Design Future

Postgraduate programs in design, arts, and creativity offer an enriching and specialized educational experience, empowering students to delve deeper into their chosen field, explore innovative concepts, and refine their artistic skills, ultimately paving the way for advanced career opportunities and creative pursuits.