In 2015 the EXD biennial presents a new format, extending to the north of the country, especially for the exhibition that Matosinhos will host.

Desejo, Tensão, Transição – Percursos do Design Português [Desire, Stress, Transition — Portuguese Design Courses] is an unprecedented exhibition, organized by Matosinhos City Hall, EXD'15 and ESAD IDEA - Research in Design and Art.

Having José Bartolo as general curator, the exhibition reflects the Portuguese design as a territory, large and heterogeneous, setting a particular geography that has to be traveled through 16 exhibition modules, with its own curators, autonomous and heteronyms. The exhibition offers a unique perspective of the Portuguese design, contemporary production in several areas (product, publishing, multimedia, furniture, etc.) and the relationship between the contemporary and the story.


Organização câmara municipal de matosinhos, exd’15 e esad idea — investigação em design e arte

coordenação geral sérgio afonso, coordenação exd guta moura guedes, coordenação cmm clarisse castro e maria josé rodrigues, coordenação esad idea margarida antunes

curadoria geral josé bártolo

co-curadores inês nepomuceno, gonçalo cabral, jorge silva, josé bártolo, maria milano, rita gomes ferrão, ricardo leite, rui abreu, sérgio alves, joão martins, joão santos, joão simões, joão sousa, marta veludo

design expositivo atelier do corvo com joana cunha

design de comunicação r2

local galeria nave/cmm
rua alfredo cunha, edifício dos paços do concelho, matosinhos

horário segunda a sexta, 9h00–12h30/14h00–17h30; sábado, 15h00–18h00

transportes stcp 505, 506, 507, 13m; metro linha azul/senhor de matosinhos/câmara