O bairro está in(clusivo)


Dream, imagination, composition and self-construction are the key ideas of O Bairro está IN(clusivo) [the neighbourhood is IN(clusive)], a project supported by the Programa Nacional Bairros Saudáveis [national programme for healthy neighbourhoods], which wants to bring together three realities: the inhabitants of Cruz de Pau neighbourhood, the 8th grade students from Matosinhos Secondary School and ESAD’s MA in Interior Design students. The project’s goal is to achieve a better society through design and architecture, focusing on the positive transformation of the urban space of Cruz de Pau and counting on the active participation of the community.

The project is achieved by a set of workshops and participatory actions with the population, using art and creativity as a tool for social and urban regeneration, activating a process of participation and identification with the surrounding space. Adults and teenagers from Cruz de Pau are thus the main actors in workshops and other participatory activities aimed at improving the surrounding space and valuing the projects and knowledge of the population.

The application to Programa Nacional Bairros Saudáveis competition was done by esad-idea, ESAD’s research centre. The project was submitted in partnership with MatosinhosHabit, entity responsible for the Matosinhos municipality housing stock management, the Health Unit of Matosinhos, the Residents' Association of Cruz de Pau and CIAP – Centro Incentivar a Partilha. O Bairro está IN(clusivo) came in 1st place in the competition, having scored 99 points out of 100, threfore, being fully funded.


— SOCIAL DESIGN Open class
Open class with Ângela Carvalho, designer and mentor in creativity and innovation, integrating the concepts of design in human, social and environmental development, in the areas of product design, corporate image and strategic design.
Guest: Ângela Carvalho (NCS Design)
Where: ESAD, auditório

— SELF-BUILD | IN(construction) — Workshop
Participatory process of building structures in wood and other sustainable materials for the public space of Bairro da Cruz de Pau, done by ESAD students together with the neighbourhood's residents and the 8th grade students of the Matosinhos Secondary School.
Coordinators: Maria Milano, João Gomes
Where: Bairro da Cruz de Pau + ESAD and Escola Básica de Matosinhos
22 NOV — 17 DEC 2021

— SELF-BUILD | IN(construction) — Christmas Tree
Public opening of one of the wooden structures – the Christmas Tree – built by ESAD students, Matosinhos Secondary School students and neighbourhood inhabitants, with a project presentation session and entertainment with Cruz de Pau home groups. With: BoomBox + Bombos da Cruz de Pau
Where: Bairro da Cruz de Pau, Praceta Marques Ribeiro
17 DEZ, 17:00

Exploration of drawing techniques, printing with monotypes, artistic expression using light and form, colour and blot texture.
Monitors: Joana Rêgo, António Gonçalves, Luís de Melo
Where: CIaP — Centro Incentivar a Partilha da Cruz de Pau
15 — 29 JAN 2022
7 — 14 MAY 2022

Work with typography objects similar to those used by Gutenberg, promoting a first contact with the concepts of typesetting and printing.
Monitors: Sofia Meira, Diogo Oliveira
Where: ESAD
2 — 4 MAR 2022

Design, production and graphic animation of skateboards, focusing on reuse and recycling and using workshop and collage production techniques.
Monitors: Sérgio Correia, Elias Marques, Rafael Coelho
Where: ESAD
2 — 4 MAR 2022

Creation of a collective mural based on graffiti and inclusive drawing techniques.
Monitors: João Castro, Xesta
Where: ESAD, CIaP — Centro Incentivar a Partilha da Cruz de Pau
6 — 22 APR 2022

Practice of analogue black and white photography to introduce this art, linking technical and social components, but above all the personal observation which composes the surroundings.
Monitors: Luís Espinheira, Rui Lourosa
Where: ESAD + Bairro da Cruz de Pau
28 APR — 11 MAY 2022

only for 8th grade students of Matosinhos Secondary School and residents of Cruz de Pau neighbourhood


O Bairro está IN(clusivo) was born from the community and to the community. It is a project that seeks to develop the sense of belonging. The idea is that this project will galvanise the local community and, in the short and medium term, it will also have a contagious effect on the entire city of Matosinhos, helping to create a healthier neighbourhood.
— Ana Sofia Cardoso, esad–idea/ Project Coordinator O Bairro está IN(clusivo)

We consider the individual in the collective to be a thought and work extremely relevant for building a community and also a healthy and inclusive neighbourhood.
— Cláudia Pinhão, ESAD/ Project Coordinator O Bairro está IN(clusivo)


Promovido por programa bairros saudáveis — república portuguesa

esad — escola superior de arte e design de matosinhos esad—idea, investigação em design e arte

parceiros associação operária de moradores da cruz de pau; câmara municipal de matosinhos; ciap — centro incentivar a partilha da cruz de pau; escola básica de matosinhos; junta de freguesia de matosinhos e leça da palmeira; matosinhoshabit em; unidade local de saúde de matosinhos epe

direção esad joana santos, lucio magri, josé simões, josé bártolo

direção esad–idea diogo vilar (direção executiva), ana sofia cardoso, josé bártolo, josé simões, magda seifert, pedro leite

curadoria e coordenação ana sofia cardoso, cláudia pinhão, maria milano

formadores esad ana sofia cardoso, antónio gonçalves, catarina lopes, diogo oliveira, elias marques, joana rego, joão castro, joão gomes, luís de melo, luís espinheira, maria milano, rafael coelho, rui loursosa, sérgio correia, sofia meira, xesta

gestão de projeto sara pinheiro

gestão de produção sofia meira

design gráfico elias marques, sérgio correia

design expositivo eleonora fedi

edição e revisão andreia faria

assessoria de comunicação mafalda martins, ana rita carvalho

vídeo e fotografia bruno mesquita, fernando miranda